Okay, listen to this. This is the Mel Dogg take......Have you ever met a bigger group of whining crybabies than the atheist in this section?
%26quot;%26lt;sniff%26gt; %26lt;sniff%26gt; I%26#039;m being oppressed by religion every time I breathe! %26lt;sniff%26gt; %26lt;sniff%26gt;%26quot;.
You should just all go ahead and have the sex change surgery now. You sensitive little sweeties.
Then you have Christians! Ugh! Yeah, I know you christians would absolutely LOVE for me to stay home and have more babies, right? You don%26#039;t want me ANYWHERE near your boardrooms and executive offices! You wouldn%26#039;t even know how to deal with a strong and independent woman.
Hey, another tip also for you fundies. Every time one of us has a question about life, you don%26#039;t have to paste and clip a section of the bible. You can actually use your own words, right? Oh, that%26#039;s right, you don%26#039;t actually do any thinking for yourselves do you?
Why don%26#039;t you sit down, shut up, and try to figure out a way to actually help people like myself, rather than sit in your little churches making flower arrangement, and judging people like me left and right. You have absolutely no idea what I go through on a daily basis, and listening to your rhetoric is just enough to make me throw up all over my son.
I know it%26#039;s going to be tough, Gladys, to make a decision on something other than what pie to serve on Wednesday night. Since that%26#039;s pretty much all you%26#039;ve done with your life. Cook and be a servant. Nice life. Try to read another book.
What is the difference between atheists and Christians?
Reply:So is it just Christians and Atheists that you hate or are you angry at the world in general?
Reply:I%26#039;m sorry, did you have a point here other than whining?
Reply:Why you play the victim?
What%26#039;s with all the help me, jive. Fix my problems I created, jive. Only crying here is you. Christians are always willing to help but if you want to come off like some offensive hack no one will help you with anything.
Want to make friends be friendly!
Reply:I don%26#039;t understand the question. Please rinse and repeat...
Reply:You could have left the first question as is. Didn%26#039;t need to produce a speil on what christians are doing wrong etc.
For me that question can be answered simply as.
The atheists have more a grip on reality and whats real
The christians are living in their own little world reading a book they think is compilled by god. And they all mindlessly follow each other like sheep. Read the book truely read it and you WILL see contradictions gallore.
Reply:Don%26#039;t forget that both groups want to push their beliefs down your throat.
Reply:To answer the question...I would have to say belief/unbelief is the difference, other than that nothing...we are all human beings.
It%26#039;s clear by your posting that you have contempt for both groups....so, which one of them do you fit into?
Reply:your question only caused more hate
Reply:Christians have faith and Etheist don%26#039;t believe in anything.
Reply:First of all not all people who say they are Christians, truly are. We have to live a life of love to all people, and not be swayed by our own opinions. What we think is not important, only what God says. Please except my apology for other peoples actions and attitude. All I cant tell you is what I personally know. God was there when I needed him, He has taken care of all my needs(not wants). and I thank Him for all that He has done for and my family.
Reply:sorry to interrupt your little rant, but what is the question?
and no, the top isnt a question as you%26#039;re using it rhetorically, answering it for us.
Reply:Oooo, get her.
Reply:Atheist=leave people alone, christians=leave no one alone, judgemental
Reply:....and to the left we have %26quot;The Virgin of the Rocks%26quot;, This is a painting ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci, probably before 1508. Assistants, perhaps the de Predis brothers, probably painted some parts of the work. It was painted for the chapel of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, in the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan. It was sold by the church, very likely in 1781, and certainly by 1785, when it was bought by Gavin Hamilton, who took it to England. After passing through various collections, it was bought by the National Gallery in 1880....
Reply:Yes, there is a differnece. The atheist believes that there is no God, that there is no Hell, and that the world happened by chance, much like the evolutionist.
The Christian believes that there is one God who created everything and sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, so that we could go to heaven when we die.
The Christian believes in both a heaven and a hell and that the only way to go to heaven in by confessign your sins to God, accepting God%26#039;s free gift of eternal life, believing that when Jesus died on the cross for our sins he paid the price in full, was buried, and rose again on the third day, thus conquering death and providing a way to get to heaven.
Don%26#039;t take this the wrong way but, you should stop playing the role of the victim and really think about this.
Reply:Are you feeling sorry for yourself?
It sounds more to me like you are a single, working mom who%26#039;s mad at the whole world for some guy leaving her.
And...if you throw up on your son, you%26#039;re gonna have to clean it up. I wouldn%26#039;t suggest that. It would only make more work for and and give you something else to complain about and blame on other people in R%26amp;S.
Lighten up!!!
Reply:Yeah? and your question would be....what? Why are you not on Valium? Calm down.
The difference between the two is one believes in God and the other doesn%26#039;t. Christian%26#039;s God told us to %26quot;spread the Word%26quot; and, well, atheists, um...do what they do.hairstyles hair style
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