I%26#039;m getting married on the 18th of this month and his mom is doing all the arrangements what shoud i do?
it would make you and him happy..
that there is enough to get her to put in effort believe me!
Reply:If your mom isn%26#039;t really interested in helping, but his mom is, I would just let it be! Let his mom do whatever she wants to help with, and don%26#039;t stress about your mom. Some people just aren%26#039;t able to do huge projects, and that%26#039;s ok.
Reply:Tell your future husband about this and he should tell his mom politely. Since your family will be united, this is a good test to see how your communication skills will pan out!
Congratulations by the way!!!
Reply:Ask his mom how you can include your mom more. Tell her that this is supposed to be a huge mother daughter bonding thing and you%26#039;re just not feeling it... Tell her she has been so wonderful and so present (no twinge in the voice here stay sincere as you can) for her son... What can you do to get some girl bond time with your mom?
Go to her as if she were the font of all wisdom instead of the fly in the ointment.
Reply:You and your mom sit down and make a list of a few things SHE would really like to do for the wedding, not stealing any of your future Mom in laws thunder, just some things your Mom would be good at. Take the list to Mom in law, say %26quot;these are some things my Mom would really like to handle and it also will give you a little less stress so you can
not be exhausted on my big day!!%26quot;
Reply:Let your future mother in law do the flowers.
Everyone has their talents, and your mother can do something else.
Or she can just relax.
Why can%26#039;t your mom do cookies for the bridal party ? or something else.
Reply:Let the mother in law do what she%26#039;s good at and find a special task for your mother to do you don%26#039;t want to make any body feel bad or useless!super nanny
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