I need help with moms funeral arrangements. no policy and medicare only paid 2400$bal.1500$ where is help?
Reply:First of all I am so sorry about your loss. I have lost a parent as well and I will only tell you that time really does heal all wounds.
Are you comfortable in asking for financial help from close family? perhaps family on the side of your mother?
If not, maybe try to arrange a payment plan with the Funeral Director. They are usually sympathetic and understanding and I%26#039;m sure if you discuss your situation they will try to do their best to accomodate you and arrange something.
Good luck to you and I hope you get through this.
Reply:church or, put out cans on the counters of all businesses with HELP ME! MY MOTHER DIED AND I NEED HELP TO PAY FOR FUNERAL , PUT YOUR PICTURE ON CANS, OR NAME.
Reply:If your mother was on public assistance, there may be a program that will help from Social Services. Check with them to see if she was and if she qualifies-it varies from state to state. Otherwise, I don%26#039;t know of any programs that assist.
Reply:Talk with the people at the funeral home. Ask them if they will work with you and set up a payment plan. Most of the time they will work with you. Now on your brothers transport from jail, well if you don%26#039;t have the money, I don%26#039;t know of too many places that will make you a loan for this. Just tell your brothers you don%26#039;t have the money, and that you are really sorry because you are paying for your mothers funeral expenses. Unless you have a special friend or family member that will loan you the 399, that is the only other way I can suggest to you for this amount of money.
Reply:how old are you?
if you are of age you may get a loan.
you should be asking around and useingthe computer to find out,if you want i may help you out but yo will have to keep in touch with me..i will help you if you let me,if not fine.
you may reach me at adyionjevon69@aim.com
Reply:I am really sorry about your loss, when I lost my mother 2 years ago I had to go to my local government assistance office to ask for help being I was on cash aid and food stamps at the time and my hubby was in prison and wanted to be there but understood that I couldn%26#039;t afford that, maybe your brothers might understand, I understand that was their mother and they want to pay their last respects, but just try to explain to them you don%26#039;t have the funds for that, and maybe they will understand. as for my local assistance program they only offered cremation which I didn%26#039;t like,but I had no choice but you can run a car wash, fundraiser go to your church as the funeral home for a payment plan things like that. I know what your going through when I lost my mom she was on social security and I was 21 with a 7 month old baby at home s.s. did not pay me any thing to help out, then 4 months later I lost one of my grandfathers then 11 months later I lost my closest grandfather last year 6 days before my b-day.yahoo finance
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