How long is appropriate to keep funeral floral arrangements?
I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;ll offend anyone. Everyone else may be thinking the same thing! Besides if the flowers are starting to die, that may make everyone more depressed, anyway. Good question, tho. Sorry about your loss. :(
Reply:donate them to a hospital, you may brighten some poor dying persons day?
Reply:If everybody loved your boss, you could dry them and put them in a clear jar and make it a decoration for everyone to remember. It%26#039;ll just look like potpourri to customers.
I did this with my mother%26#039;s flowers from her funeral.
Reply:Take them down when they are wilted.
Reply:Well, if they are green plants you can repot them if necessary and keep them out. That%26#039;s nice. As far as the flowers go, they die pretty quickly. I%26#039;d say toss them out once they are no longer attractive.
Reply:hell , keep them til they rot. I never could figure out why epople send flowers when someone dies. The flowers die eventually and it looks really depressing..a buncha dead flowers cluttering up your home.
Reply:I%26#039;d keep them up as long as they look good. You can also toss the bad blooms and consolidate the good ones into fewer vases. Make sure you save the cards and see that the family gets them so they can send a %26quot;thank-you.%26quot; If the family hasn%26#039;t seen them, I%26#039;d put a brief description of the arrangement on the back of the card so, when they respond, they can refer to a particular flower, i.e. %26quot;and the Gerber daisies were beautiful.%26quot;
Reply:cut flowers should be got rid of when they look dead or start to look that way . live plants should be cared for as best as possible and if its not possible for them to make it in the building then send them to the wife / husband or give them to someone you know was friends with the boss
after you remove the cut flowers some of the cards could arranged in a nice way and kept in place for a longer time say one month or 3 weeks after a new boss comes in .
Reply:leave them for two weeks unless the flowers die or start to smell bad. usually one or 2 weeks u should keep them but keep a Pic of him or her.Or ask your co workers .
Reply:A week and a half to two weeks.
Reply:i%26#039;d say a week
Reply:When they turn ratty looking--ditch them.
Reply:Until they die.
Reply:You can keep them until they are fresh...and yes you can also donate good Ono%26#039;s to the old people houses or hospitals. It will fresh up someone else place as well.
Reply:less than a week
Reply:Until they are passed their best. It seems such a shame to throw them when they are still good.
Reply:Offer them to the family %26amp; if they refuse or suggest you keep or dispose of the flowers/plants, then leave them out. I kept 2 of the floral arrangements from my grandma%26#039;s funeral until they dried up, about a month. I also have the fern that a distant relative sent in a big pot on my side porch. It%26#039;s thriving %26amp; doing well.
If the flowers start to look wilted, droopy or you notice an odor, then toss them out. Otherwise, keep them out until the flowers are dried out.
Reply:I%26#039;d leave them until they start looking wilty. Then toss %26#039;em.Reebok
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